Public Interfaces (ROS)

Interfaces to other modules are realized through ROS (rosjava). Currently 5 interfaces (ROS services) have been designed for communication with Memory Module.

ROS Services

All calls are complaint to this general form:

rosservice call /roboy/cognition/memory/---service_name--- "\"---header---\"" "\"---payload---\""
  • create service: Service called to perform a query writing data into Neo4j database.:

    # argument: String header String payload
    # returns: String answer
    rosservice call /roboy/cognition/memory/create
  • get service: Service called to perform a query reading data from Neo4j database.:

    ## argument: String header String payload
    # returns: String answer
    rosservice call /roboy/cognition/memory/get
  • update service: Service called to perform a query altering data in Neo4j database.:

    ## argument: String header String payload
    # returns: String answer
    rosservice call /roboy/cognition/memory/update
  • remove service: Service called to perform a query deleting data from Neo4j database.:

    ## argument: String header String payload
    # returns: String answer
    rosservice call /roboy/cognition/memory/remove
  • cypher service: Service called to perform any Cypher query in Neo4j database.:

    ## argument: String header String payload
    # returns: String answer
    rosservice call /roboy/cognition/memory/cypher

For the first 4 services the payload has to be defined according to Roboy Communication Standard.

Payload Elements:

  • ‘label’ specifies the class of node in the knowledge graph
  • ‘id’ of a node is a unique number specified for each node that may be accessed be searched or modified in the knowledge graph
  • ‘relations’ comprise a map of relationship types with an array of node ids for each of them, providing multiple relationships tracing
  • ‘properties’ = A map of property keys with values

Each of this element is peculiar to respective service payload.

The Cypher service uses a well-formed query in Cypher as the payload, see Cypher Examples.


Create query provides the following responses.


    'id': x


  • some properties are not specified properly:

        message:"no properties"
  • when creating a node, the name property is obligatory, name is missing:

        message:"no name specified in properties : name required"
  • trying to create a node with a non-existing label, see Neo4j Memory Architecture:

        message:"Label 'Xyz' doesn't exist in the DB"

Update query provides the following responses.




  • trying to create a relationship with a non-existing type, see Neo4j Memory Architecture:

        message:"The relationship type 'XYZ' doesn't exist in the DB"

Get query provides the following responses.


  • getting by ID:

        'id': 15,
        'labels': ["person"],
        'properties': {
        'relations': {
            "friend_of":[124, 4, 26, 104, 106, 71, 96, 63],
            "member_of":[20], "study_at":[16], "is":[17],
            "live_in":[23, 28]
  • getting IDs:

        'id':[x, y]

Remove query provides the following responses.

