Solution Strategy

Basic decisions for Memory Module:

  • Separation of concern through decoupling request processing and a persistence layer.
  • Iterative and incremental development is adopted.
  • Highest priority is Knowledge Representation implementation to satisfy the requirements and abilities for Dialog. Roboy Communication Standard is of the second priority as it follows the KR structure. The following priority is providing other modules with actual client and interfaces for the usage.
  • For Knowledge Representation, a graph-based approach was chosen. Thus the persistency layer is presented by Neo4j graph database.
  • Client for request processing is implemented on top of rosjava.

Current implementation:

  • Graph-based Knowledge Representation ver. 1.1.0 on remote server.
  • Redis for face features storage on remote server.
  • Roboy Communication Standard commands pool.
  • Java client software.


The motivation to use a graph-based approach was easier (and probably more obvious) maintenance of relations and basic inference contained in graph-models by definition.

Java was the choice for development because it is Neo4j native language, thus has better support.

Redis was chosen as a simple yet powerful and fast (which is important for online face recognition) key-value storage.

Choice of rosjava was forced by both the usage of Java and ros as means of communication between Roboy parts.

Roboy Communication Standard was introduced to make querying more human-readable and graceful.